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Arrive by train

arribar amb tren valls aneu

How to get there
up by train

Check train schedules to La Pobla de Segur

Combined train and bus timetables to Valls d’Àneu:

Train + bus timetables

Although Pallars Sobirà does not have a railway connection, it can be reached by train to La Pobla de Segur, in the neighboring region of Pallars Jussà. La Pobla de Segur is connected to Tremp, Balaguer and Lleida via a line operated by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

From La Pobla de Segur station, 64 km from Esterri d’Àneu, you can take the bus that covers the route to the Valls d’Àneu.

Prepare Your Getaway And Pack Your Bags!

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